
Our program designed specifically for women over 40 who want to reduce the negative effects of their age, hormones, and start feeling their best...

YES! I’m Ready To Take Charge Of My Body & Start Feeling Better!


In As Little As 9 Weeks!

Going through “The Change” can start as early as 40, and can be tough, but it doesn't have to be. Our holistic approach focuses on Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Reduction and Education, and is designed to help you take charge of your life, feel more energized and enjoy this new phase to the fullest.

The Program Starts Sunday, September 10th,

& is limited to 10 women 40 years old or older.

Click Here To See What You Get With The 'Fit Over 40' Program
Click Here To Read The Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome To The Masterclass For Women Going

Through Perimenopause & Menopause!

Our Commitment & Iron-Clad Guarantee

Our Female Fit Over 40: Thrive Through The Change Program has been designed and tested to help you achieve the results you want - faster and easier than you ever imagined.

Our reputation for being the last stop for health and fitness success is backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee - Absolutely LOVE your results and information at the end of your program, or you don't pay.


Going through menopause and perimenopause is akin to a woman unveiling her superhero persona. As she navigates these transformative stages, she taps into inner strengths she didn't know she had, enduring changes and emerging with newfound wisdom and resilience.

Just as superheroes discover their powers, a woman in this phase of her life learns the depth of her endurance, compassion, and adaptability, becoming an even more formidable force in her world. Unveil the superhero in you with the help of our program.

As Seen On:

The things I liked about this program are:

1. There is nothing radical or not doable in the information

2. All of the information is science based

3. Information is released step by step, with an action plan for each week.

4. I was never sold a quick-fix, or told something that is controversial, or not backed by research.

I never felt overwhelmed with the information week by week, but looking back on how much information I was given, I am amazed.

I get to choose what actions and information I want to apply to my own life. Plus I get access to this information whenever I want.

I highly recommend this program to any woman over 40. You will definitely feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.


- Mary-beth

What Can You Expect To Get Out Of This Program?

You'll get back to living your life to the fullest and feeling more energized. You'll discover how to take charge of your health, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel confident in your own skin. Our program is designed to help you navigate the effects of perimenopause and menopause, so you can feel like yourself again and enjoy this new chapter of your life.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect when you optimize your hormones:



  • Improved Body Composition: Shed unwanted body fat, including the dreaded "Meno-belly," and improve your overall body composition.
  • Increased Energy Levels: Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to renewed energy, so you can tackle any challenge that comes your way.
  • Better Mood: Reduce mood swings and irritability and feel happier and more in control overall.
  • Enhanced Sleep Quality: Enjoy restful, rejuvenating sleep every night, so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
  • Reduced Stress: Learn how to manage stress more effectively and feel more relaxed and centered throughout the day.
  • Improved Overall Health: Reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes and improve your overall health and well-being. This includes improving bone density and decreasing muscle loss.
  • Alleviated Pain: Through regular exercise, you can alleviate joint pain and stiffness, as well as reduce headaches and other types of pain associated with menopause.
  • Boosted Self-Esteem & Confidence: By adopting a healthy diet and exercise routine, you can boost your self-esteem and confidence, which can have a positive impact on all areas of your life.

Our program is designed to empower you with the knowledge and action tools you need to feel your best during this phase of life.

Don't let menopause control your life. Take action today and join our 9-week program to start living life on your own terms again.

When I began noticing the changes of perimenopause, I'll admit, I was a bit unnerved.

I discovered this program tailored for women my age. It offered clear, science-backed insights without overwhelming me.

Instead of an information overload, they rolled it out step by step each week. Such a relief!

The most enlightening part? I gained an understanding of what's happening inside my body and how to keep it functioning the way it should through the change. There's comfort in knowledge.

The weekly plans were like a guiding light, ensuring I didn't lose my way. I started feeling changes right away, and started to even see them about half way through.

The great part, it has been 8 weeks since the program ended, and I am still seeing improvement. This is not a short-term, “quick-fix” type of program, but a lifestyle, body, and mind improvement plan.

If you're crossing this phase of your life and seeking genuine guidance without the complicated terms, this is worth a look. It's like having a knowledgeable companion alongside you. By the journey's end, I guarantee you'll feel more empowered and at peace.


- Kellie

As a woman, you've experienced many life-changing moments, but perimenopause & menopause is perhaps one of the most impactful.

We know that the physical and emotional changes that come with it can be challenging to navigate, and that's why we're here to help. Our program is designed to empower you with the knowledge and action tools you need to feel your best during this phase of life.

The 'Female Fit Over 40' program helps reduce:

• Anxiety/Depression

• Brain Fog

• Fatigue

• Mid-Section Fat Gain

• Hot Flashes

Our 9-week program is structured to help you reduce the negative effects of menopause, so you can feel like yourself again.

By focusing on Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Reduction and Focused Education, you'll learn how to alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, and insomnia, while also improving your overall health and well-being.

You'll be part of a supportive community of like-minded women who share similar experiences, and you'll discover new ways to navigate this journey together.

We only accept enrollment for 10 non-Members in this program. (yes, just 10!)

So, if you’re serious about getting your body back, we highly encourage you to act NOW and reserve your time to talk with us to make sure this program is a good fit.

When you reserve your spot, you have NO obligation to pay a single cent, or to join the program at all.

But, it DOES reserve your limited-time spot, and give you the opportunity to prioritize your health and get in on this life-changing program.

Sound good?


No Charges At This Time!

I haven’t been this accountable to a fitness program ever.

Getting my butt in the gym with the encouragement and accountability was the most impactful element of this program especially the first two to three weeks.

This program has made me want to continue even through the ups and downs.

Before I thought 'I’m over 50, out of shape, I don’t want to do anything'; but just to have that positive accountability and encouragement made all the difference to get and keep me going to the point I wanted to continue and not stop – even after the program itself ended.


- Julie

Why Won't "Normal" Diets & Workouts Work?

Menopause causes hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain. Restrictive diets and traditional cardio don't address the need to optimize hormones and can even make the symptoms you experience worse.

Traditional Cardio, “Bootcamp” and endless “Metabolic Classes,” can further unbalance hormones and can even reduce muscle mass, which lowers metabolism.

Your entire program (Diet, Exercise, & Recovery) needs to work together to help you reach your goal. A hodgepodge of things thrown together will not help you, will discouraged you, and can even make things worse.

You might have even tried doing this on your own, or with traditional workouts and gotten frustrated because of the lack of results. You don't have to be frustrated, you just have to get everything working together.

Too Much Metabolic Work

Your menopause experience is heavily influenced by your diet.

Food choices can aid in recovery, hormone optimization, and muscle and bone building.

However, a highly restrictive diet is not effective in achieving health goals or reducing body fat.

Highly Restrictive Diets

No Focus Or Too Much Focus on Recovery

Running and Bootcamp/Large Class workouts do not address the two things women in menopause need to focus on.

Building muscle and optimizing hormones. As a matter of fact, these activities can do the opposite of what you want.

A recovery program optimizes hormones, reduces stress, and improves well-being. Neglecting recovery undermines success, while overemphasizing it can lead to skipping effective resistance training and losing muscle mass.

A Program that is 33 Years in Development & 100% Exclusive to GO: Fitness!

The 'Female Fit Over 40' Program Is Powered By:

Integrated Functional Coaching System

What’s Included In

The 'Female Fit Over 40' Program?

9-Week At Home Exercise Program

These workouts are designed to get results. Period. We want you to be able to fit your workouts into your lifestyle, so you will get workout calendars, videos, and training plans for 2, 3, 4, or 5 workout sessions per week.

Build muscle and burn fat on your own terms, with or without cardio. It doesn't matter if you're just getting started or a seasoned athlete, these workouts will challenge you no matter your current fitness level.

Menopause Specific Nutrition Plan

You can't "Out-Train'' a bad diet. Starving yourself is not the answer either. Diet will be 60%-75% of your results, so...

We will provide you with what to eat, how much and how often. It’s literally foolproof, no guesswork involved.

Our nutrition plan helps you build lean muscle, reduce body fat (including the visceral fat around your waist and organs), optimize your hormones and reduce inflammation.

This is going to help you inn every aspect of your life.

Stress Reduction & Recovery Program

Sleep, Recovery, and Mobility are some of the most over-looked parts of getting results, but one of the most vital to not only your short term goals, but also for your long term health and feeling better through menopause.

We are going to give you the education and tools to help you recover more effectively.

Results & Habit Tracking

Each week, you will have an action plan, we will track your weekly actions, helping you build the habits you need for success.

We also provide a way to track your physical results with our Fit3D and Accuniq body composition scans. combine these with Before and After photos (if you want) and you will be able to track your progress.

9 Weeks of Education & Accountability

It's almost impossible to get the best result on your own. Everyone needs help, and that is why we are here.

This program not only tells you what to do, but why.

Every week, you will be getting more/new information on different subjects to improve your body and your life. Yes, 9 weeks of education!

You are also going to get daily accountability and motivational email to keep you on track!


No Charges At This Time!

What I liked about the program was the classics – meal planning, weekly education.

My energy level improved and I am also more confident in continuing the 5 days in a week workouts and going up in the weights I’m lifting.

I am proud of myself for making me time. All the information is great and especially I’m having success with non-supplement behavior change that I previously had not considered.

This is a great program for someone dedicated to making lifestyle changes for yourself.


- Katie

Frequently asked questions about the




When does the program start?


You do not have to be available for any live meetings on that day. But you will get access to the information and handouts for Week 1.


What's Different About The 9-Week 'Female Fit Over 40' program?

In a nutshell: EVERYTHING! This program is not about quick fixes or crash diets. It's about creating lasting change for your physical, mental, and emotional health.

We'll focus on:

Nutrition: We'll teach you how to eat for your health, not for your weight. You'll learn how to make healthy choices that you can stick with for the long haul, even as you age.

Fitness: We'll create a customized workout plan that fits your needs and goals. You'll never get bored or overwhelmed.

Stress management: We'll teach you how to manage stress in a healthy way. You'll learn how to relax, de-stress, and recharge, even when life gets hectic.

Mindfulness: We'll help you connect with your inner wisdom and intuition. You'll learn how to live in the present moment and appreciate all that life has to offer, even as you get older.

Relationships: We'll teach you how to take better care of your relationships by taking better care of yourself. You'll learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and ask for what you need, even as your relationships change with age.

This program is designed to help you create a life that you love. It's not about being perfect. It's about making progress and never giving up on yourself, even as you get older.If you're ready for a "reset" button, this is it.

Sign up today and start your journey to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life, no matter how old you are.

What Is The Weekly Education Schedule?

  • Week 1: Introduction to the 'Female Hormones at 40+' Program & Your Plan
  • Week 2: Nutrition
  • Week 3: Advanced Exercise Education
  • Week 4: Sleep, Hormones, & Your Body - with Nick Reihl
  • Week 5: Mitigating Stress & The Effects On Your Body
  • Week 6: Real Information on Supplementation
  • Week 7: Women’s Sexual Health – with Dr. Serrano
  • Week 8: Hormone Replacement Therapy – with Dr. Serrano
  • Week 9: Putting It All Together for Long Term Succes

The goals of the 'Female Fit Over 40' program is get you results fast, but also give you the information that will help you continue to get results in the future. The Education you get will help you in the short-term and long-term.


What Is The Time Commitment?

Everything in this program is designed to maximize your results in a minimal amount of time over the span of 9 weeks. That said, expect to spend a few hours each week putting in the work.

You will need to spend about 1 hour per week with meal preparation. But you are going to spend some time doing this anyway.

After that, you need to figure out how many days per week you can/want/need to workout to reach your goals. Your exercise commitment can be as little as 2 hours and as many as 6.


Do I Have To Be In Good Shape Already To Keep Up With The Workouts?

No! We have multiple workout options to meet you where you're at. It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or if you have been working out for years, this program is for YOU.


I Have A Bad Hip/Shoulder/Lower Back - Can I Still Do The Program?

Absolutely! We have specialized add on programs for those dealing with bad knees, shoulders, or lower backs. These programs will help you rehab, get stronger, and lose body fat. With lifetime access, you can progress at your own pace and become a stronger, healthier, and more confident individual. Join us today and let's transform together!


Will I Need To Buy Supplements?

Required? No

Suggested/Recommended? Yes

We will only recommend what you need. Nothing more. We are not trying to make money by being a supplement sales company. We will only recummend the products that will help you reach your goals in the shortest amount of time and keep you healthy!

One of the main supplements we recommend/suggest is a good multivitamin. (See nothing crazy!)


How Long Will I Have Have Access To The 'Female Fit Over 40' program?

When you enroll in the 'Female Fit Over 40' program, you'll enjoy lifetime access to all the valuable information. You're not just investing in a 9-week program; you're gaining a program and information that you can utilize for years. No matter the pace of your progress, you'll continue to make strides towards becoming a stronger, healthier, and more confident man.

Join us today and unlock the benefits of a program that lasts a lifetime!


What If I Have More Questions Before Or After I Start?

We're here to support you every step of the way! If you have any questions before or after you start your 'Female Fit Over 40' journey, we encourage you to reach out to us promptly via email. We value your time, as our program's availability may be limited for the next round of entries.

Simply send us an email to: with the subject line "'Female Fit Over 40' Program Question," and rest assured that we'll respond to you within 24 hours. We understand the importance of providing timely assistance and ensuring that all your inquiries are addressed.To facilitate effective communication, please include a phone number in your email in case we need to reach out to you directly. Your satisfaction and understanding are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing the guidance and support you need to thrive on your 'Female Fit Over 40' journey.

So don't hesitate to drop us a line with any questions or concerns you may have. We're eagerly awaiting your email and look forward to assisting you promptly!


Do I Need To Workout At Your Gym?

Absolutely not! Our 'Female Fit Over 40' program is designed to give you the flexibility and freedom to work out wherever suits you best. Whether you prefer sweating it out at your local gym, in the comfort of your own garage, or even in your basement gym, you can embark on this transformative fitness journey with ease.

While we do offer a complimentary 9-week membership that allows you to visit our gym, it's completely optional. This membership grants you access to our top-notch facilities, where you can enjoy workouts, consult with our knowledgeable trainers, and even get body scans to track your progress. It's an opportunity to enhance your experience, should you choose to take advantage of it.

However, you have the freedom to do the program wherever you want. We believe in making fitness accessible to you, no matter your preferred workout environment.


How do you do "Hormone Optimization"?

The 'Female Fit Over 40' program, believes in an approach to hormone optimization that focuses on practical and effective strategies, without bombarding you with unnecessary supplements that may not deliver the desired results.

We prioritize the power of proper nutrition, effective exercise, eliminating negative factors from your life, and embracing positive lifestyle changes. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the significant improvements that can be achieved through these fundamental steps.

Our program is designed to benefit women ranging from as young as 38 to as wise as 60. The valuable information you'll gain can be applied for years to come, ensuring lasting results and sustained well-being.

Rather than relying on quick fixes or gimmicks, we empower you with the knowledge and tools to make impactful changes that support hormone optimization naturally. By adopting these positive practices, you can experience remarkable transformations and unlock your true potential.

So get ready to embark on a journey of sustainable hormone optimization, where real and lasting improvements are achieved through the power of nutrition, exercise, lifestyle adjustments, and a commitment to your overall well-being.


I Will Be Traveling/On Vacation/Other Should I Wait To Start The Program?

Absolutely not! Don't wait for the perfect time to start your fitness journey with the 'Female Fit Over 40' program. With unlimited lifetime access, you have the flexibility to work through the program at your own pace, even when traveling, on vacation, or facing other commitments.

We believe that there's never an ideal moment to begin transforming your fitness, health, and confidence. The best time to start is now, regardless of your circumstances. By taking action today, you'll be on the path to becoming a stronger, healthier, and more confident man.

Even if your progress is slower than expected, remember that progress is progress. Every step forward counts, and our program is designed to support your journey for the long haul. Imagine the amazing results you can achieve if you don't wait and start right away. By the time you reach your time off, you'll be amazed at the transformation you've undergone.

Remember, when you invest in the 'Female Fit Over 40' program, you're not just purchasing a 9-week diet and exercise plan. You're acquiring a comprehensive program filled with valuable information that you can utilize for years to come. Embrace the opportunity to embark on a fitness journey that will empower you for a lifetime. Join us today and unlock the incredible possibilities that await you!


No Charges At This Time!

If This Program Sounds Like What You Need...

This Is Your Chance To Reclaim Your Body & Life, While Gaining Confidence!

  • Are you tired of not feeling in control of your own body?
  • Are you sick and tired of trying to lose the same 15-30 pounds every single year?
  • Are you uncomfortable in your clothes… but you are NOT ready to buy the next size up yet?
  • Do you struggle with consistently low energy that just seems to get worse and worse- no matter how much coffee you’re drinking?
  • Do you have a constant craving for sweets and junk, even though you know it will leave you feeling even WORSE than before?
  • Is your motivation to workout doesn’t last for more than a couple of weeks (or days!)?
  • Are you on medications that that you could go off of if you were healthier and had lower body fat?
  • Are you wanting to ditch the bloat and feel energetic, vibrant and full of life again?
  • Are you ready for the support and guidance (not to mention motivation), to FINALLY crush your goals and see long-term changes in your body?

The most common feeling when people first learn about our Female Fit Over 40: Thrive Through The Change Program is skepticism...

Does this program actually work?

And to be honest, if I hadn't seen, first hand, the amazing results our clients experienced every time we run a challenge; I would be skeptical too...

I don't want you to take our word for it on whether our Female Fit Over 40: Thrive Through The Change Program works or not...

Instead, just look at some of the incredible proof-positive pictures of women just like you (this program is 9 weeks, so you should end up with even better results!)

Not only are these ladies losing body-fat, they are reducing or eliminating medications, and the negative effects of hormone imbalances.

With TRANSFORMATIONS like these, there's no doubting why our programs fill up every time we run them.

Wouldn't you love to be our next success story?

Wouldn't you love to have incredible before and after photos?

Wouldn't you love to gain well earned confidence and results?

You just need to take action...

Your First Step Is...



Nothing happens until you make a DECISION. So step 1 is deciding and taking action by claiming a spot in our Female Fit Over 40: Thrive Through The Change Program.

To claim your spot, click the big button that says "Reserve My Spot NOW"



Congratulations, the first step was actually the hardest. Now all you need to do is COMMIT to following the plan we will lay out for you for the next 9 weeks.

People have successfully blazed this path before you, all you need to do is follow one step at a time - all the way to your goals. And... we can guarantee your results based on our proven track record for success.



The next 63 days will come and go regardless of what you do. But if you DECIDE and then COMMIT, you will truly have something to CELEBRATE at the end of your Female Fit Over 40 Program!

Can it be that simple? Yes. Yes it is!

Take the 1st Step & Reserve Your Spot Right Now

Please Reserve My Spot!

No Payment Required At This Time.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

GO: Fitness

1459 King Ave.

Columbus, OH 43212


What are your class/session times?

When you reserve your spot, we will send you a schedule to make sure the session times fit with your schedule.

We are creating more sessions for this transformation and you will be one of the first to see it.

What's the difference between this and other gyms or bootcamp/large group style workouts?

GO: Fitness is all about fun and working out effectively, but the workouts are also based on science. It's not hard to put people through a hard workout that makes them hurt, but it is harder and more important to work people smarter getting results.

With over 33 years of experience, the Owner/Head Coach at GO: Fitness knows how to get you results in the shortest amount of time, safely!

If I am out of shape can I still do the program?


Our Trainers/Coaches are masters of pushing you to your own personal limits and keeping you safe.

We are the experts at helping the beginner be successful.

Does it include a nutrition plan too?


Nutrition is going to play a huge role in your success."You cannot out train a poor diet!"

We want you to be successful after the Transformation Challenge also, so we have 2 nutrition plans to get you results and maintain them when you move to the next stage of your fitness journey.

When does this program officially start?

Official Start Day is Sunday, September 17th

You do not need to be available that day. All informational meetings will be released on Video.

Week 2 will have a live meeting to go over the nutrition plan details.

What if I have more questions?

Please call: 614-481-8080 (ask for Sharon)



I have a friend who wants to so this with me, is that OK?

YES! We actually have a Partner Program that gives a break when 2 people sign up together.

Just mention this when you are reserving your time for an orientation.

Please Reserve My Spot!

No Payment Required At This Time.


Our Location

GO: Fitness Center

1459 King Ave.

Columbus, OH 43212



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